Monday, July 18, 2011

Manfaat Buah Melon

Teman-teman saya banyak yang heran, kenapa saya suka banget sama yang namanya MELON. Sampe fanatiknya, saya suka pakai parfum aroma Melon. Susah, meyakinkan mereka bahwa melon itu enak! karena banyak yang bilang bahwa rasa melon itu hambar. Terlepas dari orang-rang yang bilang RASA-MELON-HAMBAR itu, ternyata MELON punya banyak manfaat loohh...

Melon terasa menyejukkan karena 95% dari daging buah melon terdiri dari air.Karena mempunyai sifat menyegarkan, buah melon dapat meredakan rasa panas dalam perut. Buah melon banyak mengandung Vitamin A, B dan C serta mengandung protein, kalsium dan fosfor. Kandungan mineral pada buah melon bahkan mampu menghilangkan keasaman tubuh dan mempunyai sifat menyembuhkan sembelit. Keasaman tubuh perlu dihilangkan karena akan menggangu pencernaan, khususnya pada organ lambung.

Kandungan nutrisi buah melon adalah 15,00 mg kalsium; 25,00 mg fosfor; 0,5 mg besi; 34 mg Vitamin C; 640 mg I.U Vitamin A; dan 0,03 mg Vitamin B1. Buah melon mengandung antikoagulan yang disebut dengan adenosine sehingga mampu menghentikan penggumpalan sel darah yang dapat memicu timbulnya penyakit stroke atau jantung. Sementara itu, kandungan karotenoid buah melon yang tinggi dapat mencegah kanker dan menurunkan resiko serangan kanker paru-paru karena merupakan senyawa utama penyerang penyakit kanker.

Buah melon mempunyai daya diuretik yang sangat baik sehingga bisa menyembuhkan penyakit ginjal dan penyakit eksim yang parah dan akut. Jika dikombinasikan dengan buah lemon, maka buah melon dapat menumpas penyakit asam urat. Jadi ada baiknya Anda mengkonsumsi buah melon sehari sekali secara rutin pada pagi hari.

Jadi kesimpulannya, manfaat buah melon bagi kesehatan tubuh kita adalah:

1. Sebagai antikanker.
2. Membantu sistem pembuangan dengan mencegah sembelit.
3. Menurunkan resiko serangan penyakit jantung dan stroke.
4. Mencegah penggumpalan darah.
5. Menurunkan resiko penyakit ginjal.
6. Menyembuhkan penyakit eksim.
7. Mencegah dan menyembuhkan panas dalam.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ouran High School Host Club

someday i was bored and had nothing to do. well its like what i usually do, but im in a total bored, y'know.. i have just finished watching ALL of the Death Note episode. i cant help myself from my imagination after watching these episode of Death Note, so i need something fresh and funny to erase all of the bad imagination about world domination. LOL.. but i dont know what should i watch or read, so i went to looking for something interesting. but i didnt get any. so i clicked "Surprise Me!" on and "Ouran High School Host Club" came up. i looked at it but i was not interested. i clicked, clicked, clicked, and OHSHC came up again! well i was curious and searched the anime version, i got 26 episodes of em. and its FUNNY, DIFFERENT, and TOTALLY AWESOME!!

Okay, maybe this isn't the most original plotline ever produced. "Girl-dresses-up-as-a-guy-and-is-surrounded-by-several-hotties?" Where have we heard this story before? The animation is crisp, bright, and even poetic at times. The framing in the shots for this series are perfect in emphasizing the dramatic presence of each of the characters, and really makes it easy to grow attached to every single one of them. well its pretty gay i think.. but its what makes this anime soooo incredibly funny <3 the cast is colorful, multi-dimensional, and thoroughly entertaining. Ouran concentrates more on the comedy--at least for the time being. i catch glimpses of serious angst-worthy backstories every once in a while, but within a blink's time, one of the characters does something outrageous to distract us, and it is never heard from again.

i wont tell you the plot of this anime, you have to watch it by yourself!! i almost am speechless because of its awesomeness. i never like love story anime and manga before, but it change me! so you got your conclusion huh? WATCH!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

One Thing Failed.

Several thousand years ago...
Mayan one: "okay guys I've finished the calendar!"
Mayan two: "but it only goes up to 21.12.2012"
Mayan one: "ah dont worry about it we'll make a new one before then, i would have carried on on this stone but i ran out of room"
Mayan two: "fair enough, heh imagine if people thought that the world was gonna end because you couldnt find a bigger stone"
Mayan one: " yeah, but you'd have to be pretty stupid to think that wouldn't you?"

Facebook stuffs.

Soo, im watching this South Park episode "You Have 0 Friend". Its about facebook stuffs. Stan falls even deeper to facebook that he never wanna. And everybody became overreacting since they had facebook page. Peoples asking stan to be his friend. And acting different to stan if he dont want to be their friend. And i was like :: DAMN TRUE!!

Whats so wrong with facebook? Everyone seems obssesed to it. Check it every day even every hours, ask everybody to like and comment your status, add people you dont know, live in its games.. I mean, i do some too.. But please.. Whats the point of it? Alex Stolzoff told me once when he deleted his twitter account "i dont know where its going to end.." do you? Because i dont.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Northern Downpour

do you have a song that makes you sad even deeper?? i have. even it makes me sad when i'm happy.. i think the writers are super genius as super hell by writing this song. well, yeah, its "Northern Downpour"!!! it is the fourth and final single from Panic! at the Disco's second album, Pretty. Odd. aannnndddd, the band's official fan club was named after this song because it was said that Jon Walker and Ryan Ross wrote it for their fans (YAY! i love Ryan Ross!! ). and againnn, the video is simply genius. its genius and simple. i just love everything about this song!


hey moon, please forget to fall down.. 
hey moon, dont you go down..

The Groovy Taste Root Beer

Weeeelllll, in a sunny afternoon, on Friday i still remember, i and my mate who is Justin Bieber look alike (just call him Bieber then) hanged around in front of mini market, waiting for our friend to return Bieber's book, and skipped Statistic class. I saw this bottle laying next to him.

Bieber : wanna try some? (grabbed the root beer bottle)
Meh : umm.. no.. (thinking 'geez, i'm thirsty as hell!!') eh, okay maybe i'll have some.. :P
Bieber gave me the bottle. i drank. and i was like WOW!
Meh : Biebs, this is sooo GOOD!
Bieber : yeah, i know right.. its my fave drink EVER!
Me thinking 'yeah, it'll be mine too :D'

first random post

well, its like ummm.. well.. i dont know why i created this new blog. i just wanna impress myself maybe? welcome to me!

kay, just FYI, its a saturday evening. m'kay, soo?? geeeeezzzz cant believe i am this random!! can somebody gimme a new blog celebration?? no? okay! bye!!